at kaneshin

Free space for me.


JavaScript + Something

引用元(28ページ) LL Decade:Perl 2002 2012 Web Static Dynamic HTML 4.01 5 = HTML+CSS+JS Server emits HTML JSON Web programming Server Side Both Sides Language LL of your choice JS + LL of your choice 自分の言語のチョイスは JavaScript でき…


ローカルのperlモジュール use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin . "/../lib"; とかね


perl - pushとか @foo = (1,2,3); push @foo, 10; # @foo = (1,2,3,10); $bar = pop @foo; # $bar = 10; unshift @foo, 0; # @foo = (0,1,2,3); $bar = shift @foo; # $bar = 0;